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Or even know Black Woman I Am My Ancestors Wildest Dreams Shirt they’re. Doing as it’s one big clusterfuck that implies self-regulation but turns into a bureaucratic mess of delegation by regions that get measured differently every couple of years, some private committee whose names aren’t public, some compromise between houses separated, etc. Ive been involved in politics in the US for a while. The same coalition governments happen. Whereas there would be 8 parties represented in parliament, the US has 2 parties with close to 8 factions. The Democratic Party has Democratic socialists, socialists, Marxists, progressives, and a couple of other important ones I can’t remember. Republicans have RINOS/ Suburban(republican in name only. Black Woman I Am My Ancestors Wildest Dreams Shirt
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NeoCons, Black Woman I Am My Ancestors Wildest Dreams Shirt, Libertarians. Insurgents (Trump supporters), etc. ALL of these factions within parties are VERY seclusive and they constantly fight. They also form coalitions with factions in other parties. It’s the same thing, but a little more efficient. To be fair, US is actually not far off from this, just slap a single label on each half of the crowd, bribe one half enough money to just go along with whatever some resource extraction corporate overlords tell them to do, and confuse the other half with bait and switch tactics. In the US, our two parties are really coalitions of a lot of smaller groups. What we vote on is which coalition we prefer.
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