Legends Never Die Neil Peart 1952 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt

I guess I Legends Never Die Neil Peart 1952 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt the only one who decided to call. It was a snowy night driving on the interstate on a bridge high over a river. A car was stopped on the road and a woman was running around frantically. I had eyes on her for maybe 3 seconds then with no hesitation she took a running start and launched herself over the side. I immediately called 911 and reported everything I saw. Over the next few days, I looked but never found a news story or anything. I know absolutely nothing about the situation other than what I saw but many years later it still makes me sad. My mom once got home late because an Amish guy on his time away jumped in front of the subway in front of her. but he lived, so she jumped down on the track to comfort him until the ambulance showed up. I think it really messed with her. Turns out the police talked him off the edge. the man (immigrant) had recently lost his brother. he was jobless and going through a divorce. at the time, jumping to his death made sense to him. some angels Legends Never Die Neil Peart 1952 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt him change his mind. I hoped the best for that poor soul. That’s so fucked up but glad that dude made it. I’ve had a close person in my family commit suicide and it really fucked with me for years. Good to see and hear to people that stepped away from the ledge. So many lives changed in a split second that it took to decide not to jump, not just that person near the ledge but all their family as well. Personally I try to teach my 9-year-old son this sort of lesson. How easy it is to say “please” or “thank you”, how easy it is to say “hello”, or “I hope you ave a good day” when interacting with people on a daily basis. Something so simple can make a big difference to another individual on the receiving end and doesn’t cost us anything. Legends Never Die Neil Peart 1952 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt

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I did a Legends Never Die Neil Peart 1952 2020 Thank You For The Memories Shirt jump once and the second. I jumped off the platform I was just like “fuck nooooooo”. Until I felt the rope tugging and slowing my fall. I knew that I had nothing to fear, but the only emotion I had until I felt that I had nothing to fear was fear itself. Eh, kinda true. I mean, it’s scary. Of course, anyone would not want to die, even if they really would be better off dead. Imagine a slave, with no chance of freedom. Yes, they may escape pain by jumping, but even so, their body will force them to regret jumping. I once saw a homeless man standing on the barricade in the middle of the interstate in his underwear screaming at traffic. When I called the highway patrol number and described him she said: “OK so he’s taken his pants off now?”

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