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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2020

Top Flowers Be Safe Version Sign Language Shirt

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If I have a line behind you and I act like I don’t want to talk that’s Top Flowers Be Safe Version Sign Language Shirt I’m going to get in trouble not keeping the line moving. I’m pumped for you this is your 35th show but I’m just trying to get to the end of the night man. I’m glad this is your super bowl but when you’re dealing with people that are trying to earn their paycheck. Please have some common courtesy. Don’t smoke in my face, don’t spill your beer on my counter and then say it’s ok the sun will absorb it. I want you to have fun but have fun with the other concert-goers. If you are dealing with an employee please just try to reel it in a bit. This is so true and it’s something that I’m Top Flowers Be Safe Version Sign Language Shirt miss one of these days soon. grateful dead. Phish is the last of this kind of music and scene that will ever be able to fill these kinds of venues, there just has been no band in this genre that has even come remotely close to their fanbase. T...

Premium The Bad Seed Wanted Donald J Trump Peopleslaughter Coronavirus Shirt

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“Picking battles,” on the other hand, is more about Premium The Bad Seed Wanted Donald J Trump Peopleslaughter Coronavirus Shirt and respect than it is about limiting communication. I almost see that as a separate issue, because it is entirely possible to respectfully and without argument pick through every minor irritation and mild transgression in a relationship… it is just not worth all of the effort. So while couples that argue all the time can reduce their amount of arguing by simply discussing less. How is it appropriate? They’re dancing, and there’s a Premium The Bad Seed Wanted Donald J Trump Peopleslaughter Coronavirus Shirt guy just standing there. Just because the camera person pans in one direction and then the other doesn’t mean something is actually happening. If this was a zoomed out shot with the bouncer in the shot it would be a video of people dancing. Hahaha, I’ve been to Dead and Co twice in the past couple of years and am seeing them again this weekend. And thi...

Promoted Homeschool Mom Against My Will Quarantined Coronavirus Shirt

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I can’t believe that in 2019 a video can spawn. A Promoted Homeschool Mom Against My Will Quarantined Coronavirus Shirt  about the Grateful Dead that gets this kinda response. Really made my night. A lot of the best times of my life were in those moments, both inside and on the lot. In 95 I never thought this would be possible. My dad, who is the squarest square ever came back to the parking garage after work and found a guy with a tarp stretched between their two vans selling laughing gas before a Dead show in Albany. The guy offered my dad some free hits for the use of his van as an awning holder. The metal image never ceases to make me laugh. YeH, they don’t move with the Bruno Mars swagger but this skinny Promoted Homeschool Mom Against My Will Quarantined Coronavirus Shirt  is in no position to judge, being a poor man Dave Chappelle dead-walkie-talkie-having, keychain with old ass keys that don’t open shit heads. I’m commenting on a public post that has no affiliatio...

Top Elephant 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Coronavirus Shirt

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I don’t understand how people don’t like the dead Top Elephant 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Coronavirus Shirt I just feel like they haven’t found the right song. I was once getting off work, and I got down to the Red Line Harrison L stop in Chicago, and it was filled with a bunch of white midwesterners wearing boas, and beach stuff; openly drinking beach drinks, and these three black teens walked down, and had this look on their faces like the psychiatrist in Terminator 2, when the T-1000 melts through the bars. Then the train came and all these white folks got on and I just turned to the teens and said “Jimmy Buffet!” One of many Dead shows pre-Garcia death, I wasn’t on what they’re on. I remember Top Elephant 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Coronavirus Shirt through the crowd at Soldier Field and laughing my ass off because everyone around me was spinning and I said, “It’s like walking through a car wash!” Lol. This is common at dead shows. It’s calle...

Top Heartbeat NursePractitionerLife Stethoscope Coffee Coronavirus Shirt

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I spent 30 min of my “search” paying a beer seller with a cooler to give beer. People for “free” Heartbeat NursePractitionerLife Stethoscope Coffee Coronavirus Shirt. Got crazy amounts of ecstatic smiles. Eventually, this dude and I found my car and he wandered off. Then I watched a guy dance with a light-up staff totally naked in the cold and drank more beer. I enjoyed just doing fuck all in the middle of a huge field with a ton of other people doing the same. And that doesn’t even mention the concert itself. At any rate, this weird dancing is just the way that dancing is at these shows. This dancing is like doing the Twist, or Macarena, or Cha Cha Slide, or the Dougie, etc, etc, etc to every single song. Thanks for reading my rant dead heads! That was sort of my experience w Phish. I went w a friend to an Heartbeat NursePractitionerLife Stethoscope Coffee Coronavirus Shirt local venue around 1990..and this band w singing into a vacuum cleaner..we bought a cassette tape of the jun...

Nice Heartbeat Medical Assistant Life Stethoscope Coffee Coronavirus Shirt

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In this case, they won’t expect the other to make sacrifices, and may Nice Heartbeat Medical Assistant Life Stethoscope Coffee Coronavirus Shirt try to avoid situations where the other partner has to make sacrifices. Human behavior is often not rational. For example, if you wanted to gain someone’s trust you would think that doing them a favor is a good way to go. When in fact, asking them to do a favor for you is more effective in gaining their trust. This is why I never expect anything from anyone. I try to teach my kids the same thing. If you’re going to do something for someone, do not ask for or expect a thank you. The boss would sign a Nice Heartbeat Medical Assistant Life Stethoscope Coffee Coronavirus Shirt. With a castle for a 3 to 4-month stay and we would pretty much fix whatever needed to be fixed. One week you could spend your time renovating an old barn, the next week you’d be in the middle of the woods pulling an invasive plant from the ground. I dunno how to explain...

Nice The Kansas City Chiefs 60th Anniversary 1960-2020 All Signature Shirt

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And there is nothing scarier than being in a Nice The Kansas City Chiefs 60th Anniversary 1960-2020 All Signature Shirt position during one of them. But I’ve never been “thrown” by lightning. And I’ve had some sub-100-yard experiences that were enough to leave a brown streak. This was my biggest worry when I worked for a company that did forest/estate upkeep for castles. Often times we’d be deep in the woods or in some field to fix fencing or whatever. Kilometers from the shelter. And let me tell you, small hail goes through forest branches as if its nothing. I can’t even imagine being in the woods with this kind of hail plus the wind. It was a really fun job. If you are going to lend someone something, don’t Nice The Kansas City Chiefs 60th Anniversary 1960-2020 All Signature Shirt it back. So only loan things or do things for someone if you are ready to never see any return on that. It makes you more altruistic and sets expectations low so that if something does come back, you ar...

Official Heartbeat Cmalife Stethoscope Coffee Coronavirus Shirt

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Now, about my actual pinning… Catch me in the real world sometimes, ill tell you over a bowl, but Official Heartbeat Cmalife Stethoscope Coffee Coronavirus Shirt like that is just too personal to discuss over the internet. Let’s just say it was special. I will say this, after I got pinned, dawn gives me this huge kiss and is like “baby you deserved that.I caught the dead, but I don’t consider myself to be a dead kid by any means. I love the dead, but it just wasnt my scene, I missed that wave. Having wings and all that comes with it really has nothing to do with the grateful dead, it’s about family, and what this scene is all about at its heart. It says a lot for a person if they have their wings. Couples should Lo Siento Pero Ya Estoy Enamorada De Un Inteligente Sexy Hombre Del Mes De Marzo Camiseta Shirt to be healthy and balanced. If there is too much arguing over little stuff then one of them needs to bring it up, address it, and both sides should strive to find a better balanc...

Official Stay Home And Watch Game Of Thrones Coronavirus Shirt

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You don’t want to avoid conflict when there is a Official Stay Home And Watch Game Of Thrones Coronavirus Shirt problem. But you also have to figure out what issues are important and what issues are minor annoyances let slide. Some couples have trouble due to conflict avoidance, but some couples argue too much and could stand to avoid conflict where it doesn’t really accomplish anything. Not all conversations have to be an argument. Most disagreements that I and my girl have are issues that one of us is facing. But we both know that it’s us vs the problem and that we are on the same side. Sometimes that means one of us has to change destructive behavior. Wings are a big deal, and I didn’t even Official Stay Home And Watch Game Of Thrones Coronavirus Shirt that until I got pinned. Having a pair of wings on you does a lot for you. Regardless of the few sketch kids who either have spent to much time on tour or bought their wings and pinned themselves. When someone sees you have your w...

Premium Snoopy Woodstock Mask Stay Home And Listen To Art Garfunkel Shirt

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A ‘jam’ is a completely Premium Snoopy Woodstock Mask Stay Home And Listen To Art Garfunkel Shirt part of the songs that can last anywhere from a minute to 15+. Songs with this are different from show to show giving the band endless relistens. listen to Cornell 5/8/77 on YouTube or Spotify. It’s hailed as their best show ever. Just throw on American beauty or workingman’s dead for some studio if the jams aren’t your thing. They might be the biggest band to never really have any big hits, except for maybe touch of grey. Def a cult fandom that spread more through trading tapes of live shows more so than radio play or commercial success. The problem with couples who fight a lot is the way they Premium Snoopy Woodstock Mask Stay Home And Listen To Art Garfunkel Shirt their conversations rather than the number of them. If you approach it from the assumption that you’re both on the same team, trying to build a consensus rather than enforce the rightness of your own view, then you’ll be b...

Funny Horse Mask Nurse Tattoos Coronavirus Shirt

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It was the back Funny Horse Mask Nurse Tattoos Coronavirus Shirt who had an infant son with a trach due to various birth issues. He had yanked it out and his heart had stopped, leading to CPR, ambulance, etc. He’s in a ward with massive brain damage now. At uni, my bedroom was on the ground floor of the house. I was woken up around 4 am by scratching and heavy breathing at my window which I tried to ignore for 20 mins hoping that whoever it was would fuck off. It was a long 20 minutes of trying not to shit myself. Off they did not fuck, so I decided to go out the front door to kindly ask them to cease their scratching and heavy breathing. My mom woke up and immediately thought. To check on us but Funny Horse Mask Nurse Tattoos Coronavirus Shirt gets into the room because of my cousin. My stepdad grabbed his gun out of instinct. The cops showed up and assumed my stepdad was the shooter and arrested him. However, doing so almost always ensures that things stay constructive and at lea...

Funny The New York Giants 95th Anniversary 1925-2020 All Signature Shirt

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Hail balls were the size of golf balls and hurt incredibly – we hid behind our golfing bags. But still Funny The New York Giants 95th Anniversary 1925-2020 All Signature Shirt a lot of hits and massive bruises. This happened in Queensland but a few years ago it happened in Perth where I live. And all the cars at the car sales yards were considered right offs because it was to much trouble to fix all the panels on all the cars so people were buying cars that were perfect except a few dents cheap as. We have an entire department that goes out and investigates fraud claims. Chances are your damage will not look like hail, you’ll be weird and chatty. This Funny The New York Giants 95th Anniversary 1925-2020 All Signature Shirt to me once when I was in high school. My dad woke me up for school, when I sat up I started freaking out because my arm was gone. I couldn’t find it and I was half asleep. Finally, I felt up and found it, I had to pull it down with my other hand and it was probab...

I Went To The Upside Down And All I Got Was This Strange Tree Stranger Things Shirt

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And looked like they had been rolled, the I Went To The Upside Down And All I Got Was This Strange Tree Stranger Things Shirt was that extensive. Woke up groggy, out of sleep paralysis. I went to push off the bed and my left arm is gone! There’s no way right, maybe my arm had just fallen asleep. Reach over with my right arm to feel for my left arm and freak the fuck out because all I feel is my torso! Genuinely freaks out for a minute checking and rechecking, my arm is literally! And then I felt human skin above my head. My arm had fallen asleep over my head and behind the pillow. Apparently my armpit had played a little joke on my brain and reported back as being a shoulder stump. Say something stupid and then you end up with a dented car. I Went To The Upside Down And All I Got Was This Strange Tree Stranger Things Shirt to fix it. Used to work for a smash repairer and can confirm it won’t even get past a half-decent panel beater. When we had big hailstorms a few years ago, heaps...

I’m Not Depressed I Have Copd Fatigue Copd Awareness Version Cat Shirt

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Well, I guess in the middle of the night, he too I’m Not Depressed I Have Copd Fatigue Copd Awareness Version Cat Shirt something. He went to investigate and the “burglar” was actually a raccoon that had broken into the cabin (it took off a screen on the door) and was now rolling the barrel of cat food around the floor, trying to open it. I was up blasting music at about 3 am drinking by myself. I live in the country so it’s all rich snobs cottages and empty forests so nobody around. Since a lot of people are asking how I got it out. My kitchen is in the back of the house so I am just I’m Not Depressed I Have Copd Fatigue Copd Awareness Version Cat Shirt. The back door and it just walked out. didn’t freak out or nothing. just went out calmly, figured it should have wigged right out though. never seen the deer again, or other deer near civilization anyways. This happened to me too! Turned out our baby monitor receiver was on, but not the transmitter in my daughter’s room, so it pick...

Awesome Three Cat Red White And Blue American Flag Shirt

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Suddenly cops show up and start Awesome Three Cat Red White And Blue American Flag Shirt my stepdad. My mom is yelling at the police and I’m sitting there with my cousin and sister like wtf. We all notice the broken sliding glass door and suddenly realize there are large bullet holes all over our house, through the entertainment center. And above the couch where my cousin was sleeping just minutes before. I guess what happened. Someone was shooting at some people walking by our apartment and the stray bullets all hit our place. My cousin woke up and immediately thought people were inside shooting us so he ran to the kid’s room and kept anyone from coming in like a badass. Turned out it was one of my Awesome Three Cat Red White And Blue American Flag Shirt. Who was absolutely off his tits, lost his keys, wallet, and phone on a night out. He thought scratching on my window would be better than knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell. Mine almost 4-year-old standing at my bedside...

Awesome Nice Signature All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Rob Zombie Jesus Shirt

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In the worst-case scenario. The only way to have Awesome Nice Signature All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Rob Zombie Jesus Shirt to this kind of content. Would be if the owners/contributors/users of said websites (imagine Wikipedia shutting down?) were to store it and torrent it. There’s a movement around the concept of the future internet being the only p2p. Heck, it’s already happened to a number of digital archives of historical documents. My college has a number of lists of research databases, about half the links are dead as the funding ran out. Some were based out of major universities like Yale too. Tons of digital documents just gone. I hope they kept the hard copies safe. With the advent of super-genius AI. Awesome Nice Signature All I Need Today Is A Little Bit Of Rob Zombie Jesus Shirt will not need to work due to automation. Thus freeing us to meme 24/7 over the internet. With automation on a grand scale, there is no currency with which to buy things, we will live in ...

Awesome Strong Woman Mask Tattoo UPS Shirt

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Well, I guess in the middle of the night, he too Awesome Strong Woman Mask Tattoo UPS Shirt something. He went to investigate and the “burglar” was actually a raccoon that had broken into the cabin (it took off a screen on the door) and was now rolling the barrel of cat food around the floor, trying to open it. I was up blasting music at about 3 am drinking by myself. I live in the country so it’s all rich snobs cottages and empty forests so nobody around. Since a lot of people are asking how I got it out. My kitchen is in the back of the house so I am just Awesome Strong Woman Mask Tattoo UPS Shirt. The back door and it just walked out. didn’t freak out or nothing. just went out calmly, figured it should have wigged right out though. never seen the deer again, or other deer near civilization anyways. This happened to me too! Turned out our baby monitor receiver was on, but not the transmitter in my daughter’s room, so it picked up a neighbor’s crying baby. I freaked out, even more...

Funny Strong Woman Mask Tattoo DHL Express Shirt

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We didn’t have a bathroom. But Funny Strong Woman Mask Tattoo DHL Express Shirt with mostly men this wasnt a huge deal. One day, about 30 minutes before my break the bossman comes and tells me he has to go back to the cantina because he needs to poop. I wish him good luck and he walks away, upstream. 30 minutes pass and I take my break, shoes off, socks off and I dangle my feet in the water. Things are completely fine until I go to grab another sandwich from the box next to me. I get up, take my lunchbox from the backpack and what do I see slowly drifting past me? A giant turd. Turns out my boss Funny Strong Woman Mask Tattoo DHL Express Shirt make it in time and in his genius he decided to go to the creek. Needless to say, I started looking for a new job shortly after. This reminds me of the “sand bar” where everyone hangs out on their boats and stand in either ankle to waist-deep water and drink. Well, one day we are hanging in waist-deep water in a group of 15 people or so and a...

Mrs.Brown’s Boys 10th Anniversary 2011 2021 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

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And there is nothing scarier than being in a Mrs.Brown’s Boys 10th Anniversary 2011 2021 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt position during one of them. But I’ve never been “thrown” by lightning. And I’ve had some sub-100-yard experiences that were enough to leave a brown streak. This was my biggest worry when I worked for a company that did forest/estate upkeep for castles. Often times we’d be deep in the woods or in some field to fix fencing or whatever. Kilometers from the shelter. And let me tell you, small hail goes through forest branches as if its nothing. I can’t even imagine being in the woods with this kind of hail plus the wind. It was a really fun job. The boss would sign a Mrs.Brown’s Boys 10th Anniversary 2011 2021 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt. With a castle for a 3 to 4-month stay and we would pretty much fix whatever needed to be fixed. One week you could spend your time renovating an old barn, the next week you’d be in the middle of the wood...

Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Baseball And Loves Cardinals Shirt

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In this case, they won’t expect the other to make sacrifices, and may Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Baseball And Loves Cardinals Shirt try to avoid situations where the other partner has to make sacrifices. Human behavior is often not rational. For example, if you wanted to gain someone’s trust you would think that doing them a favor is a good way to go. When in fact, asking them to do a favor for you is more effective in gaining their trust. This is why I never expect anything from anyone. I try to teach my kids the same thing. If you’re going to do something for someone, do not ask for or expect a thank you. If you are going to lend someone something, don’t Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Baseball And Loves Cardinals Shirt. So only loan things or do things for someone if you are ready to never see any return on that. It makes you more altruistic and sets expectations low so that if something does come back, you are pleasantly surprised and it feels amazi...

Premium Michael Scott 2020 That’s What She Said Shirt

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And bit Premium Michael Scott 2020 That’s What She Said Shirt. And just at the point of death; this creature forced me to suck its foul blood. And then it opened its wings, like this. And hovered above me. Screeching. ‘Ahhh-haha! Now you are a vampire. I agree and definitely can relate to that. I remember going to see the movie for the second time a few weeks after it had been out. I and a bud got super high and laughed non stop during the whole movie. There were three other random people in the theater. Anchorman is my generation, Caddy Shack. That movie won me over. Before he’d make me laugh yet Premium Michael Scott 2020 That’s What She Said Shirt at the same time I was always unsure if I liked him or not. I was sold on him after watching Stranger Than Fiction. I appreciate his understated movies like Other Guys so much more now, too. We got that on DVD for my bro in law that Christmas, and at some point during the day my sisters, mom and I hear this insane laughter from the oth...

Official Way Maker Miracle Worker My God Shirt

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Loved that portion in DS2 where you’re resetting a computer or something and it’s basically the same as when Weir is crawling around in those green-lit tunnels fixing burned out circuit boards. Necromorphs (Presumably in their final brethren moon form) send out black markers to various planets. These cause evolution into predictable and useful forms. These evolved races spread throughout the galaxy but run into an issue with power. Eventually, this Official Way Maker Miracle Worker My God Shirt leads them to discover their black marker and realize that it produces a ton of energy for nothing. This causes them to make a bunch of duplicate markers. Which they learn to do because the original one imparts the knowledge into people smart enough to follow through. Eventually, exposure to these new markers causes insanity, which in Official Way Maker Miracle Worker My God Shirt turn leads to murder. As the bodies pile up they are reanimated by the marker and work to pile all the dead fles...