Awesome Galena Park It's Where My Story Begins Map Shirt
True, although I Awesome Galena Park It’s Where My Story Begins Map Shirt. The big deciding factor would probably be which hemisphere the first people to start making and distributing maps were in. If Australia or South America had been the focal point of human civilization I’ll bet all our maps would be flipped around. Yeah, but it makes more sense that most of the human population is on top. Due to there being most of the land in the top half, most of the world lives in the North. By George! It seems in I Awesome Galena Park It’s Where My Story Begins Map Shirt! True, although the fact that it runs through 0° longitude or the Prime Meridian isn’t a coincidence or arbitrary as OP suggests. It’s linked to where the Greenwich Meridian was agreed and was very UK-centric at the time. True, but a world map centered on Greenwich and one centered on Paris don’t look that different. Now one centered on Beijing or Moscow would be an interesting alternate history.
Buy it: Awesome Galena Park It's Where My Story Begins Map Shirt

Buy it: Awesome Galena Park It's Where My Story Begins Map Shirt

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