Nice San Francisco Giants Best Dad Ever Shirt
I was injured and Nice San Francisco Giants Best Dad Ever Shirt. When I started trying to do things again, my hands and fingers felt like I had been in the cramped cars on a 2-month road trip. Stretching hurt. Rotating my hand hurt. My arms, shoulders, and back had very little muscle. I have much more respect for what old people and those with disabilities go through. I used to think old people lowered their standards or just didn’t care about hygiene. I cared deeply about mine, but cutting nails and wiping your ass without dexterity is near impossible. It was very humbling. I broke my pinkie at work and had to have it pinned for six weeks. The physical therapy was almost excruciatingly painful, especially the Nice San Francisco Giants Best Dad Ever Shirt. I eventually recovered 98% range of motion in my finger and just a little bump on the knuckle, but it took a few months of constant exercising. I think about my dad a lot because when he retired he just started sitting in his recliner and didn’t do anything. Now he can barely walk, has back pain so bad he can’t sleep in a bed and has to live in a care home. I absolutely do not want to end up like that so I exercise and go for walks a lot.
Buy it: Nice San Francisco Giants Best Dad Ever Shirt

Buy it: Nice San Francisco Giants Best Dad Ever Shirt

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