Premium Dayton Texas It's Where My Story Begins Map Shirt
I complained that I was the Premium Dayton Texas It’s Where My Story Begins Map Shirt. People were passing around a birthday card. I asked to continue working from home during the stay at the home mandate. HR-approved I keep remote working. The boss overrode that and put me on furlough. SK has the best tracing program in the WORLD and they are having a hard time tracing their most recent outbreak from a nightclub that came from ONE person. 80+ people confirmed infected just from that one spot alone. imagine the chaos from opening up in full. I’m seeing them on Premium Dayton Texas It’s Where My Story Begins Map Shirt. Quotes from ‘Doctors’ who say that the 0.3μm filter size of the N95 masks isn’t fine enough to filter out CoViD-19 viruses because they’re only 125nm big. If it was a doctor, he’s clearly not a good one, though, because the virus travels on respiratory droplets 5-20μm big. Fucking disinformation everywhere, all just to politicize rational health decisions to clear the way politically for reopening the economy as if there’s nothing to be concerned about. Sounds remarkably similar to the bullshit spread back in the late 90s about how condoms won’t protect you from AIDS because there are pores in latex larger than the HIV virus.
Buy it: Premium Dayton Texas It's Where My Story Begins Map Shirt

Buy it: Premium Dayton Texas It's Where My Story Begins Map Shirt

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