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Slp Compassionate Caring Dedicated Fun Warm Loving Friend Loyal Reliable Shirt is Philadephia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between. Thank god I got out, but every guy truck in high school had a confederate flag from what I remember. Fucking clowns. I really don’t miss that place, beautiful in the summer and fall but man does the people totally suck. The only place east of the Cascades with anyone at all who is liberal also happens to be college towns. It really is. There are places in the UP that are over 10 hours from Detroit. It’s a large, oddly shaped state that has very interesting political divides. Ban slavery and refuse to assist in the capture of escaped slaves. The North supported these rights and the South opposed them, leading to the South attacking the federal troops. The Slp Compassionate Caring Dedicated Fun Warm Loving Friend Loyal Reliable Shirt. Most of the statehouses, and a growing portion of the lower courts. It’s more or less the only reason they refer to the civil war: to threaten minorities. I usually don’t have much an opinion on protests unless they cause harm, but open carry protesters are fucking morons.
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Buy it: Slp Compassionate Caring Dedicated Fun Warm Loving Friend Loyal Reliable Shirt

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