Awesome No Problem Giraffe Funny Vintage Shirt
I have an Awesome No Problem Giraffe Funny Vintage Shirt a few mental issues. The drugs they had me take helped in spiraling my life downwards instead of improving it. I would be lethargic all the time, and not have the energy to even go to work. My parents are very old country mentality, and they think that’s the cure for my rebellious years, and smoking weed. After refusing to take the medications because I stopped liking who I was becoming. My parents would crush it and put it in my food. I literally saw them, others told me they were asked to do so, and if I brought it up, they would say I am mentally sick and that ‘i am seeing things‘. You have a Awesome No Problem Giraffe Funny Vintage Shirt phone. He’s bound to try to talk to you. Get him to admit it later via text or something but the proof is NOT (or should not be) your #1 concern right now. Your safety is the most important thing. I have been there too. My ex-husband started fixing me a cocktail after work every night to help me “unwind”. I am not a big drinker. Maybe 4 or 5 times a year. So I wasn’t that interested in them. He would press for me to finish the drink. I didn’t understand. Then i noticed stuff floating on the top and residue in the bottom.
Buy it: Awesome No Problem Giraffe Funny Vintage Shirt

Buy it: Awesome No Problem Giraffe Funny Vintage Shirt

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