Baby Groot That’s What I Do I Drink Fireball I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt
The Baby Groot That’s What I Do I Drink Fireball I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt, which is all it takes to make these people expose the ridiculousness of their stance. I think it’s a great position to take, instead of just arguing with them, have them elaborate on their ideas and shine a light on the hypocrisy. pretending like you don’t understand makes them continue to repeat themselves and they get even more frustrated. same with the video of the Cali dudes asking people if they want a mask and always responding with “what?” The Baby Groot That’s What I Do I Drink Fireball I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt. I mean, clearly she wanted him to engage with her. He only seemed to be engaging with people who were talking back to him. I can’t imagine he would have spent any significant amount of time with her if she just remained silent. It’d be a boring video if that was the case. What got me was near the end when he said something like “thanks, may Allah bless you.” He talks slowly and acts dumb, which seems to amplify his trolling game.
Buy it: Baby Groot That’s What I Do I Drink Fireball I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt

Buy it: Baby Groot That’s What I Do I Drink Fireball I Hate People And I Know Things Vintage Shirt

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