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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2019

Lil Peep Everybody’s Everything Shirt

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Say the Lil Peep Everybody’s Everything Shirt are split on. Two issues you feel deeply about. And let’s say they’re they fall on opposite sides of each (so party A is with you on issue 1, and party B is with you on issue 2). All you can do is pick the one issue that means more to you and disregard the other. Two causes are already a simplistic way to pick a ruling party, and you’ve just discovered you couldn’t even manage two. The other big problem single-issue voting causes is that it encourages parties to take black & white stances on topics which should rightfully be shades of gray – which benefits absolutely nobody, other than making it easier to “win” single-issue voters.  Lil Peep Everybody’s Everything Shirt Lil Peep Everybody’s Everything Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  Lil Peep Everybody’s Everything Shirt The USA has dense Lil Peep Everybody’s Everything Shirt centers. But also sparsely populated rural...

Hot 23 Purple Ribbon Oskar Strong Fight Against Cancer Shirt

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It’s not Hot 23 Purple Ribbon Oskar Strong Fight Against Cancer Shirt to represent. The population 1:1 but that’s pretty true in any democracy. Particularly when you get to groups that represent a small portion of the population. We also have primaries in the US where, for example, different Republicans will need to offer contrasting views and voters will choose which one represents them best. It’s also important to remember state politics. A Texas Democrat is going to have different political views than a Califonia Democrat. It’s a little more complicated than that – the two parties are split into internal factions that don’t always agree on everything. Voting strictly along party lines is a somewhat modern phenomenon. It wasn’t always as bad. Hot 23 Purple Ribbon Oskar Strong Fight Against Cancer Shirt Hot 23 Purple Ribbon Oskar Strong Fight Against Cancer Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  Hot 23 Purple Ribbon Oskar Strong Fight A...

Black Woman I Am My Ancestors Wildest Dreams Shirt

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Or even know Black Woman I Am My Ancestors Wildest Dreams Shirt they’re. Doing as it’s one big clusterfuck that implies self-regulation but turns into a bureaucratic mess of delegation by regions that get measured differently every couple of years, some private committee whose names aren’t public, some compromise between houses separated, etc. Ive been involved in politics in the US for a while. The same coalition governments happen. Whereas there would be 8 parties represented in parliament, the US has 2 parties with close to 8 factions. The Democratic Party has Democratic socialists, socialists, Marxists, progressives, and a couple of other important ones I can’t remember. Republicans have RINOS/ Suburban(republican in name only.  Black Woman I Am My Ancestors Wildest Dreams Shirt Black Woman I Am My Ancestors Wildest Dreams Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  Black Woman I Am My Ancestors Wildest Dreams Shirt NeoCons...

Birds Aren’t Real Vintage Shirt

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The way I see it is that. There are Birds Aren’t Real Vintage Shirt a difference. Parliament requires a coalition majority most of the time to form a government. In the US two-party system, the coalition is already formed. You have your Progressive Democrats, Moderate Democrats, and Independents, and vice versa for Republicans. Representatives align themselves on an individual level rather than a “small” party level. I’d be happy with just two parties that aren’t at the extreme fringes of the political spectrum and didn’t ignore the moderate majority because of the vocal minority of idiots on both sides pushing their obnoxious retarded agendas.  Birds Aren’t Real Vintage Shirt Birds Aren’t Real Vintage Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:   Birds Aren’t Real Vintage Shirt “However [political Birds Aren’t Real Vintage Shirt] may. Now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to be...

Bichon Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt

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This is true, but the Bichon Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt. Parties tend to be more ideologically diverse than a typical European party since they have to have such broad coalitions. The fact that a similar chart of the US congress would only have two colors obscures the fact that the parties stretch so far across the ideological spectrum from each end. Each US party is more akin to a coalition of parties in more pluralistic legislatures like those in most European countries. As a result, US parties devolve most of the power of selecting candidates to the lowest level, and the “primary elections” that precede every US election showcase the significant internal differences within the parties. Bichon Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt Bichon Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  Bichon Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just...

Best Cubing Dad Puzzle Shirt

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Whereas, with a multi-party Best Cubing Dad Puzzle Shirt system. Elected officials have to sort of join forces w/ whichever half of the other elected officials they disagree with the least, creating a large coalition capable of duking it out with the other coalition they disagree with more. Then the two coalitions battle it out to create a grey melange of mediocre policies that no one really wants but will ultimately go along with. Speaking as a Brit more about 90% hate the government. We don’t have proportional representation so 65% voted for someone else. Of the remainder who voted for the government 10% don’t like then and only voted to stop the other lot getting in. 10% regret it as they realize how they were lied to.  Best Cubing Dad Puzzle Shirt Best Cubing Dad Puzzle Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:   Best Cubing Dad Puzzle Shirt 5% are Best Cubing Dad Puzzle Shirt because. They thought they were being lie...

Batman And Moon The Dark Knight Shirt

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End-result is that we Batman And Moon The Dark Knight Shirt situations. Where people were VERY interested in who could attend the votings and who couldn’t. At the end of it, opposition politicians even faked travel and hid behind the curtains so they could spring to press the button on important issues when the coalition thought they were safe. In the end, the whole thing turned into a farce and the government even voted against their own propositions. Trump has said stuff that they wouldn’t honor promises to the NATO, works against climate change which to (most) EU-parties is the biggest global question, hinders trade on which the EU’s wealth is built, speaks publicly for Brexit (taking part in foreign politics is a big no-no) etc. etc.  Batman And Moon The Dark Knight Shirt Batman And Moon The Dark Knight Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:   Batman And Moon The Dark Knight Shirt In other words, Batman And Moon Th...

Baby Yoda Hug Indian Motorcycle Star Wars Shirt

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Why are still Baby Yoda Hug Indian Motorcycle Star Wars Shirt of the? Obama era used when Trump exacerbated the problem? They should be tons of new material, now that every MoP went there and the media paid so much attention to it. But no, somehow Obama era pictures are used to attack the current government. The most important thing is that China isn’t happy either and I haven’t heard a strong case from the democratic candidates against China yet. It’s a state with actual concentration camps – where they keep you in until you change religion – and with a dictator that is polluting the seas like nobody else and doesn’t seem to care about the climate either and we are still hailing them as great business partners.  Baby Yoda Hug Indian Motorcycle Star Wars Shirt Baby Yoda Hug Indian Motorcycle Star Wars Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  Baby Yoda Hug Indian Motorcycle Star Wars Shirt The US too is a Baby Yoda Hug Indian...

Albany New York It’s Where My Story Begins Shirt

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Well, Albany New York It’s Where My Story Begins Shirt was 56%. 129 million votes were counted so the voting population is about 230 million. Hilary got 66 million votes (29%). These probably hate Trump. He received 63 million votes (27%). These probably love Trump. Assuming the other 44% did not vote because they hated both candidates, the voting population that hates Trump could be as high as 73%. I hope they get up their asses and go vote next time. You can check on Wikipedia what was the outcome of the first Polish election after commies gave up. It more or less represents the picture above – a bunch of parties and neither one having a proper majority to rule. That was also the messiest and most unstable parliament we ever had.  Albany New York It’s Where My Story Begins Shirt Albany New York It’s Where My Story Begins Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:   Albany New York It’s Where My Story Begins Shirt Every n...

6 Things I Want In Life Dog More Dogs A Big House For My Dogs Shirt

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This is actually 6 Things I Want In Life Dog More Dogs A Big House For My Dogs Shirt very recently. The American right-wing is having an internal debate over capitalism that is revealing a sizable chunk of them aren’t as keen on capitalism without restraint as previously thought. Not that they’d start voting with Democrats to pass anything. And their political system works in a way that one of these fringe groups can hold them hostage because without them they wouldn’t get the majority. In Europe, we can basically ignore them. Groups like the NRA, anti-abortion, and whatever the extreme left equivalents are would have no power whatsoever.  6 Things I Want In Life Dog More Dogs A Big House For My Dogs Shirt 6 Things I Want In Life Dog More Dogs A Big House For My Dogs Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  6 Things I Want In Life Dog More Dogs A Big House For My Dogs Shirt Yeah, I’m calling 6 Things I Want In Life Dog More ...

Lips Butterfly I Am Who I Am Your Approval Isn’t Needed Shirt

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I’ve covered why we’re Lips Butterfly I Am Who I Am Your Approval Isn’t Needed Shirt (trust me. I wish we were as wealthy as people think!) but for sure, corruption is an issue – it’s an issue everywhere; in Government, in policing, in politics, in business, etc. I do expect better of Clergy, but like anyone else, they are human, and fallen people: sinners. We have to expect some level of failure and human nature, but sure, I’d agree that rooting out corruption is very important, just as important as it is anywhere else. The RCC isn’t really unique in its level of corruption, and I’d argue, from my experience, it falls well below what you would see elsewhere. But it’s still a problem, yeah.  Lips Butterfly I Am Who I Am Your Approval Isn’t Needed Shirt Lips Butterfly I Am Who I Am Your Approval Isn’t Needed Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  Lips Butterfly I Am Who I Am Your Approval Isn’t Needed Shirt Honestly, even L...

Mom Basketball 33 Matthew Signature Shirt

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I do promise you that the Mom Basketball 33 Matthew Signature Shirt is nowhere. Near as wealthy as it’s made out to be; I’m RC (an ordinand also) and most Catholic Dioceses and Parishes are just about scraping by in South America, Europe, the USA and elsewhere. Although my understanding is that the situation is better in Eastern Europe and S. America, they’re still not wealthy Churches by any means. Some estimate the Vatican’s wealth at about ~15bn, which sounds like a lot, but when you consider this is a Church delivering worship to 1.2bn people, that number becomes very slim very quickly. It becomes even smaller when you realize that the Church of England, the primary mother Church of the   Mom Basketball 33 Matthew Signature Shirt Mom Basketball 33 Matthew Signature Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:   Mom Basketball 33 Matthew Signature Shirt Anglican Communion, with only 25 Mom Basketball 33 Matthew Signa...

Nice Trading And Coffee Stock Exchange Woman Shirt

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There’s a lot of Nice Trading And Coffee Stock Exchange Woman Shirt governance. In the larger more established “firms” and a lot of hunger and willingness to prey on “consumers” in the smaller operations and startups, and the market has been shrinking slowly with time as people grow weary of their traditional “providers,” are just fed up with the corruption, or have been burned too many times in the past. The government continues to maintain a laissez fair attitude toward the entire “industry” and continuously refuses to promote or provide alternative sources for the sorts of goods people are seeking from religion, and so the industry continues to innovate, adapt to niche markets, and attempt rebranding to pull people back in  Nice Trading And Coffee Stock Exchange Woman Shirt Nice Trading And Coffee Stock Exchange Woman Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  Nice Trading And Coffee Stock Exchange Woman Shirt It’s likely b...

Warning My Dachshund Thinks He’s A Doberman With Short Legs Shirt

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The thing is Warning My Dachshund Thinks He’s A Doberman With Short Legs Shirt in this case. I am not actually sure if we can ride a bike. I would say that we need some moral rules as ‘training wheels’. The ‘religion ones’ might look stupid, pink and with painted unicorns but… It works really well. Also, a Calvinist point of view is quite different than many other types of Protestantism. If pretty much everyone is predestined to go to hell in the first place, and there’s nothing you can do about it, no sense in meddling in their beliefs or actions – we’re going to be in the same place in the end anyway.  Warning My Dachshund Thinks He’s A Doberman With Short Legs Shirt Warning My Dachshund Thinks He’s A Doberman With Short Legs Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:   Warning My Dachshund Thinks He’s A Doberman With Short Legs Shirt Yes, CDA was formed originally. A merger of Warning My Dachshund Thinks He’s A Doberman...

This German Doesn’t Like Morning People Or Mornings Or People Shirt

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Just like in This German Doesn’t Like Morning People Or Mornings Or People Shirt, where the. Freedom Party” is a corrupt ultra-right-wing nationalist party. They are also all for a free market, and in favor of personal freedom (but only when it suits them. E.g. Gay people can go fuck themselves in their minds), and in favor of free speech (i.e. them using racist terminology). They chose the name “freedom party” because they see themselves (and partly are) in the tradition of the liberal revolutions of 1848. It’s really weird. I feel like there should be different words for economic liberalism and social liberalism. Feels wrong to have “liberal conservatives.  This German Doesn’t Like Morning People Or Mornings Or People Shirt This German Doesn’t Like Morning People Or Mornings Or People Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:   This German Doesn’t Like Morning People Or Mornings Or People Shirt Be called such just This ...

The Beatles Let It Be Disc Music Guitar Lake Shirt

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In Australia, our The Beatles Let It Be Disc Music Guitar Lake Shirt of the term. In politics has been traditionally used to describe economically. And classical liberalism within the context of economic freedom. And is promoted by our center-right party. Our left-leaning major party is too far left to be considered. Socially liberal – they are democratic socialists. As the etymology of our name “Liberal” indicates, we have stood for freedom… We took the name ‘Liberal’ because we were determined to be a progressive party. Willing to make experiments, in no sense reactionary but believing in the individual, his right and his enterprise, and rejecting the socialist panacea.  The Beatles Let It Be Disc Music Guitar Lake Shirt The Beatles Let It Be Disc Music Guitar Lake Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  The Beatles Let It Be Disc Music Guitar Lake Shirt We have realized that The Beatles Let It Be Disc Music Guitar Lake S...

Straight Outta January 2000 Vintage Shirt

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Note that liberal Straight Outta January 2000 Vintage Shirt does not mean the. Same thing in different countries, and it also depends on the time (historically speaking). E.g. the democratic party could be considered liberal and left-wing (e.g. freedom for the individual through the protection of rights by the government), while historically, the VVD portrayed themselves as right-wing and liberal (e.g. freedom for the individual through reduction of governmental rule). Luckily nowadays such distinctions have become even more clouded and nebulous so that sometimes it’s not even clear what left and right means. It could also be that I’m ignorant and should read more about politics though.  Straight Outta January 2000 Vintage Shirt Straight Outta January 2000 Vintage Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  Straight Outta January 2000 Vintage Shirt Damn, wish we had a Straight Outta January 2000 Vintage Shirt like that in the U...

Snoopy And Music Note Peanuts Shirt

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I don’t really disagree with the Snoopy And Music Note Peanuts Shirt message. Though I see different reasons — a lot of US Democrats appear too close to Republican positions. It is nice if there were also more Republicans willing to collaborate with Democratic ideas, but the GOP seems generally better at “closing rank”, leaving the Democrats at a constant disadvantage as they fail to decide on pursuing a uniform agenda. Really the best solution might be if the Democrats would split and the US would finally get a third major party. It’d temporarily leave the GOP somewhat overpowered.  Snoopy And Music Note Peanuts Shirt Snoopy And Music Note Peanuts Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  Snoopy And Music Note Peanuts Shirt But in the long run, it Snoopy And Music Note Peanuts Shirt help. Electorate diversifies its votes, with some GOP voters currently paranoid about “leftist” influence crossing over to moderate/centrist Dem...

Shih Tzu Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt

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I seem to Shih Tzu Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt that the. GOP blocked considerable chunks of what Obamacare was originally supposed to become. It might have been closer or even identical to the Dutch system if the Democrats had been given the go-ahead with their original plans? But no, believe it or not, the millions of uninsured, the millions more under-insured or who can’t afford to pay their deductibles to use their insurance, and the insane prices are all Obamacare ‘working as intended’. That’s why you can’t trust a centrist Democrat to fix things in 2020. They controlled all branches of government in 2008.  Shih Tzu Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt Shih Tzu Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  Shih Tzu Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt And had a Shih Tzu Dog Mom Yes He Is My C...

Shiba Inu Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt

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This is exactly the Shiba Inu Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt of what. Dutch systems do. The “more complicated” part, in this case, means the government sets required minimum coverage (I can’t imagine that’s not the case for Obamacare) and a tax system that somewhat compensates the lower incomes for the cost. I’m not saying it’s identical, but it is really quite similar. Both are very different, for example, compared to the NHS in the UK or a system with public insurance+private healthcare.  Shiba Inu Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt Shiba Inu Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  Shiba Inu Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt Thanks for the Shiba Inu Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Love Shirt by you and others. I read more about it after reading your replies and it seem...

Shetland Sheepdog Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Dog Shirt

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this is Shetland Sheepdog Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Dog Shirt -up false. A LOT is still directly government-funded, not insurance-funded (more than 40%). also, they are only not allowed to reject you from their basic insurance. any additional insurance they can deny at their own discretion for their own reasons. and not all necessary things are covered. for example dentists aren’t covered. is not having your teeth rot out not a basic human necessity? All Obamacare does is force people to buy insurance from a private company and tells private companies that they can’t turn people away for pre-existing conditions. I mean, it’s more complicated than that, but that’s the crux of it.  Shetland Sheepdog Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Dog Shirt Shetland Sheepdog Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Dog Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  Shetland Sheepdog Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Dog Shirt ...

Rottweiler Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Shirt

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Still though in the Rottweiler Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Shirt as well health. Costs are rising for a large part thanks to pharmaceutical companies, (consolidated) insurance companies also play a big role in pushing for more expensive insurance while sitting on large cash reserves. The aging population doesn’t help either. I’d argue that the failings of the ACA are more the result of the watered-down version that got implemented thanks to sabotage by Joe Lieberman and the GOP. Still, it’s better than the system that came before it. Obama deserves a large portion of the blame for how watered down it is. Remember.  Rottweiler Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Shirt Rottweiler Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  Rottweiler Dog Mom Yes He Is My Child No He Isn’t Just A Dog Shirt Joe Lieberman was the Rottweiler Dog Mom Yes He Is My Chi...

Pretty Skull Mechanic The Hardest Part Of My Job Is Being Nice People Shirt

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As far as I can tell, Pretty Skull Mechanic The Hardest Part Of My Job Is Being Nice People Shirt than the. Involvement of a private company somewhere in the process in some capacity, there are no similarities between the Dutch system and Obamacare. Obamacare is just a joke. It took America’s insane healthcare system, fixed hardly any of the structural problems, and made everyone buy into it. In the Dutch system, everyone needs to be insured but insurance companies are still private. You need to pay the insurance costs (100-120€ a month), but if you have low or no income you get the same amount from the government. Then you have an out of pocket of 200-300€ a year maximum.  Pretty Skull Mechanic The Hardest Part Of My Job Is Being Nice People Shirt Pretty Skull Mechanic The Hardest Part Of My Job Is Being Nice People Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:   Pretty Skull Mechanic The Hardest Part Of My Job Is Being Nice People Sh...

Trump In Reality They’re Not After Me They’re After You I’m Just In The Way Shirt

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Fianna Fáil would Trump In Reality They’re Not After Me They’re After You I’m Just In The Way Shirt have. Been more socially liberal, but this has changed as a result of Fine Gael for the above reasons being forced to adopt socially liberal positions and the decimation of Fianna Fáil in Dublin resulting in their transition to a more rural party. That said, Fianna Fáil is quite split on social issues, as are Fine Gael to some extent but unlike Fianna Fáil their most socially conservative members simply quit. There isn’t a huge difference in practice. Traditionally, Fine Gael would be slightly more right-leaning, but both are very much centrists.  Trump In Reality They’re Not After Me They’re After You I’m Just In The Way Shirt Trump In Reality They’re Not After Me They’re After You I’m Just In The Way Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  Trump In Reality They’re Not After Me They’re After You I’m Just In The Way Shirt It ...

Official Bigfoot Gun Veteran American Flag USA Shirt

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In NL we have the VVD (Official Bigfoot Gun Veteran American Flag USA Shirt party from. PM Mark Rutte) which could be described as such. Fiscally center-right but socially family liberal. Although the latter is sometimes questionable because they don’t want Geert Wilders getting too many seats so they try to appeal to that group as well. But in Europe, they’re in ALDE (the Liberal fraction). Yeah, this example is what I thought of immediately. Actually I think VVD (even though it is a right-wing party in the Netherlands) is not very far removed from most American Democrats, given that neither of them is really left-wing. Moreover, the Dutch healthcare system (that VVD was a large factor in setting up) is pretty similar to Obamacare.   Official Bigfoot Gun Veteran American Flag USA Shirt Official Bigfoot Gun Veteran American Flag USA Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:   Official Bigfoot Gun Veteran American Flag USA Shir...

Pretty Trump 2020 I Dont Always Get Impeached I Get Reelected Shirt

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I know the Pretty Trump 2020 I Dont Always Get Impeached I Get Reelected Shirt you’re talking. About if it was in Hawaii. They were across the airfield from us and I worked with many 60 guys. Reality is, even with all the safety equipment and dunker training a water landing at night fucking terrifies me. I’ve been out almost 7 years now so I hope my memory serves me correctly here, but most armor plating is rated to stop a 7.62 or standard AK47 round. If someone were to fire on us, we had something called BAPS (Ballistic Armor Protective System) that was armor under the pilot’s seats, around the sides of the cockpit, and probably other places I can’t remember now. The body armor was a pain in the ass but covered your most vital organs and would likely stop anything considered small arms fire.  Pretty Trump 2020 I Dont Always Get Impeached I Get Reelected Shirt Pretty Trump 2020 I Dont Always Get Impeached I Get Reelected Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie...

Pretty Trump 2020 I Dont Always Get Impeached I Get Reelected Shirt

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I know the Pretty Trump 2020 I Dont Always Get Impeached I Get Reelected Shirt you’re talking. About if it was in Hawaii. They were across the airfield from us and I worked with many 60 guys. Reality is, even with all the safety equipment and dunker training a water landing at night fucking terrifies me. I’ve been out almost 7 years now so I hope my memory serves me correctly here, but most armor plating is rated to stop a 7.62 or standard AK47 round. If someone were to fire on us, we had something called BAPS (Ballistic Armor Protective System) that was armor under the pilot’s seats, around the sides of the cockpit, and probably other places I can’t remember now. The body armor was a pain in the ass but covered your most vital organs and would likely stop anything considered small arms fire.  Pretty Trump 2020 I Dont Always Get Impeached I Get Reelected Shirt Pretty Trump 2020 I Dont Always Get Impeached I Get Reelected Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie...

Rocking The Aussie Mom Life Australian Shepherd Dog Lovers Shirt

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Thank you for that, and I have Rocking The Aussie Mom Life Australian Shepherd Dog Lovers Shirt utmost. Respect for every person I ever dropped off on an LZ. We got to go back home, but you guys could be out there for days. Nothing felt better than helping pick up guys that really need a ride or get them close enough to do their job right. Thank you for your service and I got nothing but respect for you. Military (Navy) ATC here, marine coincide. Glad you made it about, sir. We all wish the best for our pilots and know that we all have a job to do. Glad you had the experience and lived through it, I’m sure that those 10 seconds accounted for 10 hours of training, though no amount of training can prepare either side for the unexpected. In aviation what happens will happen, and we all pray that every side is on the up-n-up.  Rocking The Aussie Mom Life Australian Shepherd Dog Lovers Shirt Rocking The Aussie Mom Life Australian Shepherd Dog Lovers Shirt Other products:  Ro...

St Patrick’s Day I’ll Shamrock Your World Shirt

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Maybe you can St Patrick’s Day I’ll Shamrock Your World Shirt something for me. I was in Afghanistan as a civilian and rode a Blackhawk and Chinook going to and from Kabul. I don’t think we were 100 feet but remember thinking we were low. We also had Gunners of course. Was in a 10-11 we had to do QRF for a downed bird(never heard how it crashed, supposedly enemy fire more likely mech failure). It was insane how far pieces of that helo went. Sadly 1 pilot was KIA on the scene(Talib had set an ambush up around crash. And waited for rescue units) and we had a KIA as well. I always wonder if the other pilot lived. We never did hear. Glad I kept my feet on the ground 90% of my military career. That wreckage scared the shit out of me.  St Patrick’s Day I’ll Shamrock Your World Shirt St Patrick’s Day I’ll Shamrock Your World Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:  St Patrick’s Day I’ll Shamrock Your World Shirt Bro I mostly lurk a...

Stock Exchange Woman Trading And Coffee Shirt

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Not likely. Stock Exchange Woman Trading And Coffee Shirt at that speed. A Chinook has the two huge rotor systems and often during accidents those become giant death blades. Combined with all the force and engines, etc there isn’t much chance of surviving in a situation like that. If there are any other aviators reading this I’ll point out I used the term “crash” for simplicity even if “hard landing” is the preferred term. An interesting fact, in military aviation the word “crash” is almost taboo, at least in my experience, and nobody uses or jokes about it since surviving one is almost never a chance. Yeah, that sounds like something an experienced combat vet would say. My friend is a v22 crew chief. He talks about death as if he’s grabbing Starbucks.  Stock Exchange Woman Trading And Coffee Shirt Stock Exchange Woman Trading And Coffee Shirt, Women’s Tank Top, Men’s Long-Sleeved, Unisex Hoodie… Other products:   Stock Exchange Woman Trading And Coffee Shirt ...